Zarządzanie Publiczne 3 (53) 2020
Zarządzanie Publiczne 3 (53) 2020
Opis publikacji
The Evaluation of Actions Taken in the Healthcare Facility During the SARS-Co V-2 Pandemic, and Their Impact on Work Motivation: A Survey ReportThe University's Social Responsibility During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case StudyStakeholder Analysis in the Context of Healthcare Entity Managers' Activities in a Crisis Situation: A Case Study the Covid-19 Pandemic and Housing Markets in Selected European Countries: Lessons Learnt and Policy ImplicationsA Multi-Level Approach to Tackling the SARS-Co V-2 Pandemic and Its AftermathPossible Sustainable Measures to Recover the Tourism Sector after the Covid-19 Crisis
Założone w 1991 roku Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar od lat publikuje dzieła najwybitniejszych polskich autorów z obszaru psychologii, politologii, socjologii, filozofii,... więcej→