Sexual dysfunctions and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy
Sexual dysfunctions and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy
Opis publikacji
Aside from information about sexual therapy and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, in this volume readers will also find important information about pharmacological treatment in sexology, therapeutic models of mental disorders, sexual behaviors and dysfunctions in depression, anxiety disorders, body image,eating, and personality disorders, as well as sexual difficulties in substance use disorders. The presented therapeutic models include the psychotherapy of sexual aversion, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, orgasm disorders and erectile dysfunction in men,premature ejaculation, anorgasmia, sexual pain disorders in women,and hypersexuality. The volume also includes such topics as: physical therapy as an element of complex treatment of sexual dysfunctions in women, sexual difficulties from the perspective of couples’ therapy, EMDR therapy, and elements of sexology in gynecological and urological practice. The volume comprises contributions from noted specialists...
Aside from information about sexual therapy and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, in this volume readers will also find important information about pharmacological treatment in sexology, therapeutic models of mental disorders, sexual behaviors and dysfunctions in depression, anxiety disorders, body image, eating, and personality disorders, as well as sexual difficulties in substance use disorders. The presented therapeutic models include the psychotherapy of sexual aversion, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, orgasm disorders and erectile dysfunction in men, premature ejaculation, anorgasmia, sexual pain disorders in women, and hypersexuality. The volume also includes such topics as: physical therapy as an element of complex treatment of sexual dysfunctions in women, sexual difficulties from the perspective of couples’ therapy, EMDR therapy, and elements of sexology in gynecological and urological practice. The volume comprises contributions from noted specialists in psychotherapy of sexual dysfunctions and cognitive-behavioral therapists (both psychologists and physicians). The volume will be of helpful for sexologists, psychologists, and psychosexologists in their everyday practice.
W 1945 roku został założony Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich, który na początku swojej działalności zajmował się publikacją książek i czasopism... więcej→