Carbon Funds in Climate Policy
Carbon Funds in Climate Policy
Opis publikacji
The book offers a deep insight into the subject of carbon funds - investment vehicles aimed predominantly at acquiring carbon credits. It is primarily concerned with selected aspects of the organisation and activity of carbon funds which the public authorities invest in. It also explores the effectiveness of investment decisions made by carbon funds compared with all the other entities purchasing carbon credits. What is more, the Author discusses the presumptions and provisions of the European Union's and global climate change policy, and thus, shows an overall picture of the environment that carbon funds operate in. A great advantage of the book is that it adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the subject of carbon funds' organisation and activity.
Początki wydawnictwa CeDeWu sięgają maja 1998 roku. Do życia powołał je zespół ludzi odpowiedzialnych za wydawanie Miesięcznika BANK (w latach... więcej→